Tip 4 Divide time smartly
Divide time smartly
Preventive maintenance, cleaning the lines, machine start-up and set-up time; there are plenty of moments in a standard workday that not every employee needs to be on the line. By looking closely at and dealing smartly with break times, you can increase OEE. It may turn out to be more efficient to extend the lunch breaks of certain operational positions.
Case example: At an ice cream factory, scheduled maintenance took place four times a day, each time for half an hour. One half of the production line was checked each time during the first and third maintenance, and the other half during the second and fourth maintenance. After six months of working according to this method, the following became apparent. On top of the four planned stops, the line stopped four more times a day on average. These were mainly due to minor faults on sections of the line, which had not been checked during the last maintenance. At every start-up, 100 cups of ice were not properly filled. The first run (1) plus the planned (4) and unplanned (4) stops resulted in 9 x 100 = 900 cups of ice being thrown away.
It was decided to check the entire production line during each scheduled maintenance, resulting in a scheduled downtime of twice an hour. Working hours were amended after consulting with the staff. The lunch break was extended to an hour and the shift started 15 minutes earlier or ended 15 minutes later. This change led to the line running with virtually no disruptions on every run. For the whole year, this adjustment saved over 150,000 cups of ice cream.